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Groasis Ecological Water Saving Planting

The Groasis Ecological Water Saving Planting Technology is a range of inventions that reduce water use in agroforestry by 90%


Esta página, originalmente publicada em inglês, é oferecida em português com a ajuda de tradutores automáticos. Precisa de ajuda? Contacte-nos

Groasis Ecological Water Saving Planting

The Groasis Ecological Water Saving Planting Technology is a range of inventions that reduce water use in agroforestry by 90%

  • World Alliance Member
  • Featured Solution
  • Labelled Solution
Publication Date 16 de dezembro de 2020
Por Groasis
De Países Baixos
Fase de maturação E - Comercialização a média e grande escala

The Groasis Ecological Water Saving Planttechnology is known for itsTriple 90 benefits It uses 90% less water and is 90% cheaper than traditional irrigation, while it guarantees 90% survival rate. Governments can use the technology to develop sustainable aroforestry and/or ecosystem restoration. NGOs can use the technology to develop a reliable food production based on the sustainable use of water. Farmers can use the technology to plant productive trees and/or vegetables at low costs. Cities can stop using expensive drip irrigation systems for landscaping and use the Groasis Technology to restore their tree cover to over 70% while using 90% less water. Corporates can plant trees on cheap wasteland instead of expensive fertile land this way creating CO₂ offset at a price below 10 Euros per ton. If combined with agroforestry, CO₂ offset costs can drop to zero

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Para o reflorestamento as plantas de casulo Growboxx® plantam árvores em áreas quentes, secas e erodidas com 90% menos de utilização de água.

Sede 4651 PV Steenbergen, Netherlands
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