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BatiSense aims to learn the thermal behaviour of tertiary buildings based on sensor data in order to optimize and pilot technical equipments.

October 2020
Gallery BatiSense 1
Gallery BatiSense 1


Tertiary buildings are mainly piloted with programs depending only (or almost) on the hour and on the day. That leads to both thermal discomfort for end-users and waste of energy. BatiSense aims to optimize the use of energy to heat or cool the buildings.

Based on sensor data and artificial intelligence algorithms BatiSense can optimize the energy management of tertiary buildings. It automatically and remotely pilots the technical equipments on buildings to deliver optimal comfort while saving energy. It can be installed in both new or old buildings and adapted to instrumented or not buildings. The solution is autonomous and does not require an energy manager on site. The measures are not intrusive (temperature sensors and power meters) and allow to fully understand the thermal beahaviour of the building while operated. Only two different sensors per zone are necessary and measures are stored with a time step of 5 minutes.

Data do rótulo 5 de outubro de 2020
Por Probayes
De França
Fase de maturação Comercialização em pequena escala
À procura de... Visibility, Partners, Credibility

Os benefícios ambientais

  • Our solution allows to save 15 to 30% of energy consumption in heating and cooling of old buildings
  • For 4000m2 building, it can save 13 500 kg of CO2 per year.

Os benefícios financeiros

  • The return on investment depends on the instrumentation needed to implement the solution and can vary from 6 months to 5 years
  • For 4000m2 building, it can represent 14 k€ of savings a year.

Região de actividade

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Perfil da Empresa


Probayes é especializado em Inteligência Artificial & soluções preditivas

Ver perfil da empresa
Sede 38330 Biviers, France

Parceiro de trabalho em rede

International Cleantech Network

A Rede Internacional de Cleantech (ICN) é uma rede global de 13 clusters de cleantech na vanguarda internacional do fornecimento de soluções inovadoras e sustentáveis para satisfazer a crescente procura de tecnologias verdes.

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Soluções Associadas 83

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