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Questa pagina, originariamente pubblicata in inglese, è offerta in italian con l'aiuto di traduttori automatici. Avete bisogno di aiuto? Contattateci

Upcycle Acoustic Panel

A sound-absorbing panel made of textile waste, improving indoor acoustics simply and aesthetically.

June 2020
Gallery  Upcycle Acoustic Panel 1
Gallery  Upcycle Acoustic Panel 1


Every year more than 40.000 tons of textiles are burned in Denmark alone (The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 2016). The garments come from both private households, textile manufactures and industrial textile suppliers.

To eliminate the problem and realize the potential of wasted resources, are the implementation of large scale solutions needed. Lendager Group has developed a resilient circular product from wasted textiles and prolonged the raw material lifetime – while adding value as a sound-absorbing panel and creating a healthy indoor environment. The process of turning the old garments into new acoustic panels is simple, afterward, the panels are mounted combined with i.e., upcycle wood or in existing ceiling systems. Throughout this process, no toxic chemicals are added. Bio-based fire retardant can be added accordingly, which provides the right properties in regards to fire safety for specific applications. All mounting opportunities are modular, meaning that the Upcycle Acoustic Panel easily can be dismounted and be recycled to acoustic panels or other various applications i.e. new clothing. An essential part of the processing is the unique sorting technique, where we ensure first to identify clothes that can be reused directly. Afterward, the textiles are classified by material and color to create batches of Upcycle Acoustic Panels with a unique aesthetic. Finally, our suppliers of waste textiles have committed to collaborate towards zero waste, helping to push the resource efficiency on a general industry level.

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Data del certificato 10 giugno 2020
Dal Danimarca
Fase di maturità Test dei prototipi nel mondo reale
In cerca di New clients, Visibility, Funding

I benefici per l'ambiente

  • 50% less impact on Ecosystems compared to existing
  • CO2e saving on more than 50%
  • Energy saving on approx. 30%
  • Min. 70% recycle content compared to approx. 40%
  • 60% less impact on Human Health

I vantaggi finanziari

  • Competes on both price, functionality and lifespan compared to existing mineral wool solutions.

Regione di attività

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Norvegia, Danimarca,

  • Sede operativa
  • Attività

Profilo Richiedente

Lendager Group

Il Gruppo Lendager crea soluzioni sostenibili nell'ambito dell'architettura, della strategia e dello sviluppo di prodotti waste-to-value.

Visualizza il profilo aziendale
Sede operativa 2150 Nordhavnen, Denmark

Partner di rete

International Cleantech Network

L'International Cleantech Network (ICN) è una rete globale di 13 cluster cleantech all'avanguardia a livello internazionale nel fornire soluzioni innovative e sostenibili per soddisfare la crescente domanda di tecnologie verdi.

Visualizza il profilo del partner
Soluzioni associate 83

Argomenti correlati

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The information set out above, is solely for the purposes of information and the Solar Impulse Foundation does not provide any guarantee as to its authenticity, completeness or accuracy. This information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy into, transact or to enter into any agreement with any of the parties or persons mentioned above. Potential investors or interested parties are solely responsible for their investment or business decisions and for performing any due diligence required by the circumstances. The innovator Lendager Group has asserted ownership of the intellectual property rights for images, videos, and content showcased above, affirming full and unrestricted usage rights, and has provided explicit permission for the Solar Impulse Foundation to publish such information designated as "public" in the application form.