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RegistratiA new product that produces a new source of low cost renewable energy, reduces carbon and extends the life of infrastructure
A new product that produces a new source of low cost renewable energy, reduces carbon and extends the life of infrastructure
Water delivery is energy and carbon intensive. Indeed, the distribution of water requires a certain energy to pressurise and transport the water. This energy is currently used from the current electricity network, that uses grey sources of energy to generate electricity. Nowadays the pressure in pipes is controlled by valves that use a friction mechanism to manage the pressure. This is inefficient and the innovator has identified control valves that waste up to 350 kW, 3.8M lbs CO2 /Yr. per valve. The In-PRV solution produces renewable energy and accurately controls pressure in these pipes. It is a turn-key, software and sensor-based, modular solution, that installs efficiently in water pipelines and electric grid. This product has the potential to be the lowest cost-of-energy for a distributed renewable energy source at 3-5 cents/kWh.
InPipe Energy
InPipe Energy ha sviluppato un prodotto che sfrutta una nuova fonte di energia rinnovabile a basso costo dalle condutture dell'acqua.
Boundless Impact Research & Analytics
La Solar Impulse Foundation e Boundless collaborano per dare alle aziende che Boundless ha già valutato per le loro prestazioni ambientali superiori l'opportunità di richiedere questo marchio in modo accelerato. Grazie a questo processo semplificato, le aziende di tecnologia pulita ottengono l'accesso a nuovi mercati internazionali e una maggiore visibilità e un più facile accesso alla comunità di investitori e partner commerciali globali della Solar Impulse Foundation.
The information set out above, is solely for the purposes of information and the Solar Impulse Foundation does not provide any guarantee as to its authenticity, completeness or accuracy. This information does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy into, transact or to enter into any agreement with any of the parties or persons mentioned above. Potential investors or interested parties are solely responsible for their investment or business decisions and for performing any due diligence required by the circumstances. The innovator InPipe Energy has asserted ownership of the intellectual property rights for images, videos, and content showcased above, affirming full and unrestricted usage rights, and has provided explicit permission for the Solar Impulse Foundation to publish such information designated as "public" in the application form.